 Travelling Ireland...



"Ireland is the land where the inevitable never happens and the impossible often does..."

-- Oscar Wilde


Initially I came to Ireland to study high frequency electronics, although I have to admit that it did not need a lot of force to make me come here. Due to the fact that I am not the beach type kind of person who can lie in the sun for hours without doing anything in particular, I never minded the reports of continuing bad weather (which are, as I can say nowadays, pretty close to the truth...). However, all reports about the country itself seemed to promise a land full of interesting attractions. As a consequence, I decided to get my motor bike up here regardless to costs, and it was indeed quite a strenuous journey, but in the end it was worth it. Now I spend my weekends discovering this fascinating island, and it does not seem as if I would ever get bored of it. Following is a list of links that lead to text as well as photos about what I have found so far...


The Irish landscape

Prehistoric sites

Sites of historic significance






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Last updated: 10 Januar, 2000